Magnerest pillow
Detailed Description
The Magnerest pillow cover significantly shortens the time to fall asleep and helps regulate sleep phases. It is suitable for people who suffer from insomnia or sleep disorders. It eliminates the effects of a stressful job and helps the body regenerate after a hard day.
Studies from sleep laboratories have shown measured values of cortisol (stress hormone) and melatonin (sleep hormone). The protector balances the stress hormone cortisol so that its level is at optimal levels and is thus neither too high nor too low. It has also been proven to support the production of melatonin, which is needed to fall asleep quickly.
Specification points
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Eliška Vávrová
Asistentka prodeje
Northern Design s.r.o.
Bezručova 1656,
Hlinsko 539 01,
Czech Republic